Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Prince Trueheart


There are lots of cats at this house but Lunette loves Badger the best. 
He is the only boy cat
and she thinks he is a prince.

Prince Trueheart.

He keeps his tuxedo so bright and clean, his long white whiskers are always sparkling 
and he loves a smooch and a cuddle.


His sister, Shackleton, spends her time finding the ultimate hiding spot 
and Lunette cannot catch her or even find her.


Old Phoebe, the black cat thinks she is a statue and will put up with anything. 
Not much fun to cuddle though as she likes to hold onto the object of her affection with her claws and Lunette doesn't want a claw in her leg.

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And the elusive Miss Maggie; so soft, so pretty and so difficult to catch, always just out of reach,
 taunting poor little Lunette.

So she is in love with Badger, Prince Trueheart.

I  haven't dared to tell her he is quite fickle with his love, any doll will do when a cat needs a cuddle.
